072 98 55 456 apbsa@apbsa.co.za


I am the principal or SGB Chair of a boys’ school. How do I ensure that my school becomes a member of your Association?

Go to the page on this website called ‘Application Forms’ complete the application form and submit it to the General Secretary at apbsa@apbsa.co.za The form must be signed by the principal, who will represent the school in the activities of and interaction with the Association. You will then be contacted with further details, and will receive an invoice for the amount owing to finalize your membership.

What will it cost for the school to belong?

The membership fees are tailored to your school’s economic circumstances as reflected in the fees you charge your own learners.  There is a once-off joining fee, paid when you first join, and an annual subscription, payable in January each year.  If you join during the year, the full joining fee is still payable, but you pay only a pro rata subscription in the first year.  The joining fee is one eighth of the annual school fee of one learner, and the annual subscription one quarter of the annual school fee of one learner.

My school is a co-ed school, not a boys’ school, but more than half of the enrolled learners are boys. Can my school join the Association?

The Constitution of the Association allows only for membership by single-gender boys’ schools. As a co-ed school, you can therefore not join: you may, however, find some of the information or answers that you are seeking in the open section of this website.

As a teacher who is interested in the education of boys, can I join your Association?

Unfortunately, the Constitution of the Association allows for boys schools to be members, not individuals. If you’re attached to a boys’ school which is not a member of the Association, you may like to suggest to the principal that the school becomes a member.

I am relocating, with my family, from Gauteng to the Eastern Cape. How do I find out what boys’ schools there are in that part of the country?

Go to the member schools section of this website: it is open to all readers and you will find our member schools listed according to regions.

I am the principal of a boys’ school, and I have a vacancy for a teacher. How can I advertise the position?

Complete the relevant form here and email it to apbsa@apbsa.co.za.

I am a teacher looking for a position in a boys’ school. How can I bring my interest to the attention of those who make employment decisions in boys’ schools?

Complete the relevant form here and email it to apbsa@apbsa.co.za.

If you have any other questions about the Association, email them to apbsa@apbsa.co.za